One of the common rites of passage your baby will have to persevere through is teething. The process, which is uncomfortable for little ones to endure, is one of those challenges that have to be experienced. With the help of a knowledgeable pediatric dentist, though, you can be better prepared so you don’t have to suffer through countless sleepless nights. Read on to learn more about teething and what signs to look for so you can make life easier for you and your baby.
Why Teething Happens
Teething is part of the process of your baby’s teeth erupting or breaking through the gums. Usually occurring between the ages of six and 24 months, it can leave your child irritable and uncomfortable. It helps, though, to be able to recognize the early symptoms so you can make this stage of your child’s development as comfortable as possible.
Signs That Your Child is Teething
Here are some of the signs to be on the lookout for that your little one is teething:
- Fever
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Swollen gums
- Increased drooling
- Bringing hands to the mouth
- Mild rash around the mouth or on the cheeks
- A desire to place objects in his or her mouth
Despite some common wives’ tales, such traits as coughing and other cold symptoms, as well as diarrhea, are not signs of teething. Therefore, if you notice any of these traits, they shouldn’t just be dismissed as the norm for emerging teeth.
How to Ease the Discomfort
The simplest ways to quiet your child’s discomfort are to provide him or her with over-the-counter pain relievers like children’s acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil). Another option is to offer an approved object to chew on for some relief like a teething ring, cold food or teething biscuits.
Why You Should Also Contact Your Pediatric Dentist
At the first signs of new teeth emerging, it’s an excellent time to contact your pediatric dentist in New Britain. This specialist can make sure there are no apparent issues with the way your child’s teeth are emerging. If there are, then this point in life is the best time to make adjustments. That’s because the teeth are still in their most developmental phase, which means they are also more malleable and correctable.
While it may be hard for you, as a parent, to witness your child in pain, you can at least have a plan of action to take when there are signs of teething. With the help of your local pediatric dentist, the process can be made smoother, and you can feel comfortable that your child will have the best oral health possible moving forward!
About the Author
Dr. Moe Beydoun earned his dental degree from Boston University. Throughout his career, he has taken pleasure in helping young patients get off to the best start possible for their oral health, while also easing the concerns of their parents. Dr. Beydoun provides expert and compassionate pediatric dental care at Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, and he can be reached for more information through his website.