Is your little one teething? Then a peaceful night’s sleep may seem like a distant memory. After all, their aching gums can be extremely uncomfortable, causing them (and you!) to experience sleepless night after sleepless night. While this is a natural phase of them growing into their adorable smile, it’s also natural to want to find an effective remedy. So, here are five tips for helping a teething baby sleep.
#1. Sooth Their Gums with Cold Items
Inflamed, swollen gums can lead to soreness that prevents your little one from resting soundly. In an attempt to alleviate their discomfort, offer them a cold item. Some good examples include a clean, wet washcloth, a doctor-recommended teething ring that has been in the fridge, or chilled applesauce.
#2. Apply Some Pressure to Their Gums
If you don’t have a cold item within arm’s reach, that’s okay – your clean fingers will do the trick! To soothe their gums, try lightly applying pressure to the area. The counter sensation will help mitigate their discomfort.
#3. Wipe Away Excess Drool
During the teething phase, you may find that your baby is drooling even more than usual. To prevent their saliva from irritating your child’s cheeks, keep a soft tissue or clean washcloth close by. If they have a rash or dry skin, use baby-safe moisturizers and lotions to avoid further irritation.
#4. Do Your Best to Establish a Nighttime Routine
Although it may not seem like it at times, your child finds comfort in their nighttime routine. Therefore, it’s best to stick with it even during their teething phase. Having the same order of events – from eating to bathing to sleeping – can help make this turbulent time a little more predictable.
#5. Ask About Over-the-Counter Medications
If you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing has worked, then ask their pediatrician about over-the-counter medications. An appropriate dose of infant ibuprofen can make the world of difference. Just make sure to check-in with their doctor about the right amount and frequency.
During the teething phase, peaceful sleep can elude both you and your little one. Fortunately, the above tips can help ease their discomfort, increasing your chances of getting a restful night’s sleep in the process.
About the Practice
Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics is where parents can turn to with all of their oral health-related questions. Whether you’re wondering how to alleviate teething pain or want to learn how to take care of their new teeth from home, we’re here for you! Both of our general dentists for children have years of experience helping growing smiles stay happy and healthy, from an infant’s first checkup to their last cleaning before heading off to college. So, if you have a question about your baby’s oral health or are ready to schedule an appointment for them, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (860) 224-2419.