As a parent, you want to help protect your child from harm, including painful and potentially traumatic dental emergencies. The good news is that implementing good oral hygiene best practices – including brushing each morning and evening for a full two minutes – can go a long way. Plus, you can take it a step further by learning five things your child’s dentist never puts in their mouth.
(more…)5 Things Your Child’s Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth
April 10, 2023
Dental Sedation for Patients with Special Needs
February 2, 2023
If your loved one is a special needs patient, then you’re probably aware of how many health conditions you must regularly safeguard them from—and with everything that you have to think about, dental care may be the least of your concerns! However, unlike many of the other complications faced by patients with special needs, several oral health issues are entirely preventable with proper dental health care. And luckily, dental care for patients with special needs is often made easy thanks to dental sedation! Here’s more about how this works.
(more…)Wondering How Long Fillings Usually Last? Read This!
December 27, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently shared that more than 40% of children between the ages of two and eleven have had cavities. So, if your little one is struggling with tooth decay, don’t be discouraged – they aren’t alone. Plus, their dentist can address the damage in a lifelike and durable way thanks to modern dental fillings. But how long do fillings last? And how will you know when it’s time to have them replaced? Keep reading for the answers!
(more…)Why You Should Take Part In The Teal Pumpkin Project This Halloween
October 13, 2022
Burnt oranges, deep yellows, and muted reds are just a few classic fall colors that people love to decorate with. So, when you see a bunch of teal pumpkins, they are bound to stand out! Designed to help children with allergies trick-or-treat safely, The Teal Pumpkin Project is an initiative that’s gained a lot of attention over the years. To learn more about it and why you should participate this Halloween, keep reading!
(more…)New to Homeschooling? Here Are 5 Tips for Beginners
September 14, 2022
Are you planning on homeschooling your child? You’re not alone. While there were an estimated 2.5 million homeschoolers in the U.S. pre-pandemic, that number has risen exponentially since 2020. While there are a number of benefits to this approach to education – from a flexible schedule to personalized learning – there are also some challenges for parents and children alike. To help, here are five homeschooling tips for beginners.
(more…)You Asked, We Answered: How Should I Pull My Child’s Loose Tooth?
August 18, 2022
Although each child is different, most begin to lose their teeth around the age of six. As a parent, you know this is a completely normal part of growing up. As a kid, the news can be quite jarring. After all, how would you feel if you lost one of your teeth right now? The good news is that there are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to pulling a loose tooth that will help you and your little one navigate these new waters. To learn what they are, read on!
(more…)Here’s How Juice Affects Your Child’s Teeth
July 13, 2022
Cavities are prevalent, but did you know that more than 50% of children will experience tooth decay before the age of five? In an effort to bring statistics like these down, organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics provide guidelines and recommendations for parents, including, most recently, that children under the age of 1 should not consume fruit juice. At first, that news may come as a shock. After all, isn’t orange juice, apple juice, and the like good for your little one? Keep reading to learn the answer.
(more…)4 Common Questions About Dental Sealants, Answered!
June 15, 2022
According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, more than 40% of children between the ages of 2 and 11 have experienced tooth decay. The prevalence of cavities continues as a whopping 90% of Americans have had at least one cavity by their 21st birthday. To help protect your child’s smile from falling into these statistics, you should talk to their dentist about dental sealants. Until that appointment, you can read on to learn the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions about this common preventive dentistry treatment.
(more…)The #1 Reason Why Your Child Should Wear a Mouthguard
May 18, 2022
Whether your child loves shooting hoops on the basketball court or scoring goals on the soccer field, it’s important that they wear the right equipment. After all, something as simple as a knee pad can make all the difference when a rogue ball or accidental elbow comes their way fast. For that same reason, your child should always wear a mouthguard while playing sports, whether it’s a contact or non-contact one. Read on to learn all about how custom-made mouthguards protect their teeth and a few additional sports-related oral health best practices.
(more…)Will Nitrous Oxide Sedation Put My Child to Sleep?
April 4, 2022
Nitrous oxide sedation is a light, trusted, and highly effective way to stay calm and relaxed at the dentist’s office. Plus, it’s proven to be safe and reliable for children as well! If your child has a fear of the dentist or difficulty sitting still in the treatment chair, nitrous oxide sedation may be the perfect answer. However, as a concerned parent, you want to know exactly what you can expect from this form of dental sedation. Read on as we cover how nitrous oxide sedation for kids in New Britain works, including whether or not it puts them to sleep.